Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Challenge Course High Elements

Challenge course high elements are challenges experienced by individuals, partners, and groups at a height of twelve to forty feet above ground level. Heights above forty feet may be obtained if trees, structures, and taller poles are available. All high elements require a safety mechanism called a "belay" system. The elements produce powerful memories and provoke deep thoughts and emotions, while challenging physical abilities. Most activities teach balance, coordination, and concentration along with a great sense of confidence, positive view of self, and leaping beyond the barriers of perceived limits. The degree of difficulty (mental, physical, and emotional) found within the element is dependent upon the level at which each person challenges themselves. These activities can parallel actual life experiences in such a way that can teach individuals to face new challenges with a deeper understanding of how to cope and triumph over a diversity or difficulty.

Challenge Course inclined logInclined Log
The Inclined Log provides a real balance test. This element tends to be the most mentally challenging of the initial high elements.

Challenge Course two line bridgeTwo Line Bridge
The Two Line Bridge is more physically taxing and less difficult mentally. It is constructed with a foot cable and hand cable.

Challenge Course high elements balance beamBalance Beam
Most people can walk on the beam easily without holding the belay rope, however, the perceived ability is usually much lower than the actual ability to walk the beam.

Burma Bridge
The Burma Bridge stands out as the easiest high element physically and mentally. It is constructed with a foot cable and a cable for each hand.

Kitten Crawl
Two parrallel foot cables are used to traverse this obstacle.

Challenge Course high elements high wild woozyHigh Wild Woozy
This element proves to be the most entertaining of all. The High Wild Woozy presents an excellent visual dichotomy between perceived risk and ultimate safety.

Challenge Course high elements multivineMultivine
The Multivine provides participants with the challenge of balance, concentration, and focus. The participant traverses the foot cable with the use of dangling ropes to grasp as they move.

Challenge Course high elements dangle duoDangle Duo
The Dangle Duo is a partner activity that requires problem solving, physical strength, balance, and determination.

Challenge Course high elements neebee geebeeHeebee Geebee
Two crossed wires are connected to a horizontal cable. The crossed cables are for holding and the horizontal cable is for traversing.

Challenge Course high elements team beamsTeam Beams
Two suspended telephone poles secured in an elongated "x" formation. This element provides a partner traverse from one end of the "x" to the other.

Challenge Course high elements zip lineZip Line
A Zip Wire is constructed as a single cable between two trees or poles which participants slide down with the use of a pulley attached to the participant's harness. It is one of the most highlighted elements in a high challenge course program and is used as a tower exit element.

Challenge Course high elements zip line exitZip Line Exit
AEI builds most zip lines with a gravity brake, which means that in order to exit the element there must be a ladder system to get the participant off the zip tether. There are several ladder options that are acceptable for zip line exit use. These options include a-frame ladders, rolling staircases, and even mechanical lift systems. Depending on your facilities number of participants, you should consider which exit system will be the most convenient.

Challenge Course high elements power polePower Pole
The Power Pole usually brings out the height of emotional, mental, and physical challenge. Used often as a culmination activity, the Power Pole provides the ultimate goal for many participants.

Challenge Course high elements giant swingGiant Swing
This element is also known as a Breathtaker, Screamer, or a Pendulum Swing. The participant is attached to a cable that is pulled up by their team to the height of their choice. When ready, a release cord is pulled and the participant swings. This element is a lot of fun and gets a large group of people involved in the experience.

Challenge Course high elements raider bridgeRaider Bridge
This element has two foot cables that are attached together by small boards. These boards are spaced at various lengths from each other and the participant must walk across them. This becomes difficult because some of the boards can move and the whole bridge swings, making balance difficult.

Challenge Course high elements cargo netCargo Net
An excellent high element for all ages and abilities. The Cargo Net is challenging but has so many options for climbing. Unlike a Rock Wall, you always have a hand hold and a foot hold which makes it simpler, but no less of a challenge.

Challenge Course high elements vertical play penVertical Play Pen
This combination climbing apparatus includes rock climbing holds, cargo nets, suspended tires, and ladders. It is a physically challenging as well as a visually interesting addition to your course.


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